Saturday, March 05, 2005

A fine sweater

Here's my progress thus far with the hourglass sweater (plus one cat!)


I've attached the first sleeve to the sweater body and am working on the second one now. So far, I've really enjoyed working on this sweater. The shaping is simple and straightforward, and its moving really fast. This is the first sweater I've ever done completely in the round.

The yarn I am using is Harrisville Highland, which is one of my favorites. Its a basic 100% wool, this one has tweed flecks of white and brown. The tweed works really well here, because otherwise the sweater is very plain looking.

Since I am a compulsive finisher, I've already sewn down the hems on the sweater bottom and the sleeves. The sleeves look great, but the sweater bottom hem flares out. Has anyone else experienced this? I am thinking that I need to take out the bottom hem, and redo it. Blocking could work too, but I feel like it will always be an issue, so I should just fix it now.

Also check out my (brand new) weblog at


Blogger jen said...

I love the yarn choice! And lucky you to be a compulsive finisher ... I'm a procrastinating finisher. :) Jenifer

Sun Mar 06, 06:21:00 PM PST  

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