Monday, November 07, 2005

Slow Going

Suddenly I have stalled on my hourglass. It just looks so plain and my increases got messed up I think. I am up to the bust and really don't ever want to see it again. What can I do to ignite the fire???


Blogger binkwaffle (Holly) said...

I feel the same way. I haven't redone the neckline on mine yet. Maybe the 87 degree high today has something to do with it. LOL WHERE'S FALL?????
Put on a winter or Christmas movie, make some hot chocolate or tea, close the blinds if it's not fall-looking outside, and see if that gets you in the mood for finishing your soft, warm, cuddly sweater. :-)

Tue Nov 08, 10:52:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jenny said...

Maybe you need a break from this project for awhile!

Otherwise make sure you are doing something interesting at the same time. I found that this was a great project to work on while watching TV, riding in the car, or reading a magazine. You'll be done before you know it as long as you aren't 100% focused on the knitting!

Wed Nov 09, 08:49:00 AM PST  

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