Monday, July 11, 2005

How much yarn did you use?

Hi--I've knit up quite a bit of my sweater since I last posted; I've finished the body and one sleeve. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to run out of yarn. I have a question for those of you who used KnitPicks' Andean Silk: how many skeins did you use, and for what size? I'm making the smallest size, and I have 8 skeins to work with. I've ordered two more, but will that be enough? Mathwise, it works out, but the errata says that some knitters have needed more yarn than is called for in the pattern, so I guess the yardage in the pattern isn't accurate. Thanks!


Blogger Dani said...

I basically bought 14 skeins for the third size even though i was planning on having it be more like the second smallest size. I used 11.5. I think 10 would be plently seeing as though I added an extra inch to the bottom and to each arm.

Mon Jul 11, 02:14:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12 skeins for the 3rd size...

Wed Aug 03, 05:49:00 AM PDT  

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